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short interspersed nuclear elementsshort interspersed nuclear elements

New SINE families from rice, OsSN, with poly(A) at the 3 ends, Alu sequences are processed 7SL RNA genes, Diversification of the rice Waxy gene by insertion of mobile DNA elements into introns, The genome of the domesticated apple (Malus domestica Borkh. Short interspersed nuclear elements (SINEs) (100300 bp, 15% of the genome) are retrotransposons, which are regions of DNA capable of copying and pasting themselves into another region of the genome via an RNA intermediate and the action of reverse transcriptase to convert the RNA to DNA. UnaL2 LINE 3' element The UnaL2 LINE 3 element is an RNA element found in the UnaL2 LINE (long interspersed nuclear element) and partner SINE (short interspersed nuclear element) This element was similar in sequence to the I-4_AO element found in A. oryzae and an I-1_AF long nuclear interspersed element-like sequence identified in A. fumigatus Af293. The Au family, a novel short interspersed element (SINE) from. Bootstrap values were calculated using 1000 replicates. K., Wenke T., Zakrzewski F., et al. S1). 2017, Draft sequencing of the heterozygous diploid genome of Satsuma (Citrus unshiu Marc.) In brief, a BLAST search was performed using consensus sequences as queries against all full-length copies, and then histograms were created using R script ( based on the resulting sequence identity data. Generally, citrus SINEs preferentially integrated upstream of short adenine stretches (positions 05), with the first two nucleotides of the TSD (positions 01) most likely being adenine. J., Hodge R., Andrade-Navarro M.A. The dashed line represents the average full-length rate of all citrus SINEs. (2009) according to Schwarzacher and Heslop-Harrison (2000). Short Interspersed Nuclear Elements (SINEs) Alu GC rich Length: ~ 280 base pairs Location: Untranslated intronic regions Species: Primate-specific Methylation: Maternal Long Interspersed Nuclear Elements (LINEs) L1 element (Kpn repeat) AT rich regions Length: 6-8 kb 3-untranslated regions; double-stranded RNA-binding proteins; mRNA export; mRNA translation, mRNA decay; short interspersed elements. [1] 2013 Apr 1;27(7):793-804. doi: 10.1101/gad.212639.112. The retrotransposons TS and SolRTE-I share a common poly(GTT) and have considerable similarity of their target sites. Pozueta-Romero J., Houln G., Schantz R. (1998). Does SINE evolution preclude Alu function? 2010 Apr;20(2):149-55. doi: 10.1016/j.gde.2010.01.004. To shed light on this inconsistency, we calculated the copy number ratios of full-length copies to all members for each family (Fig. We used MAPCHART37 to display the chromosomal localization of the citrus SINEs. Analysis of the 5 end of TS (99 bp) revealed an 84% similarity to the SolS-V family. Keywords: Structure of LINE -like element. SolS-II was chosen as example to compare the chromosomal distribution between species (Figures 4D to to4F).4F). For another, there exist relatively few and anecdotal examples of SINE function. Consensus sequences of the 12 families were used as queries for BLAST searches against the 7 citrus genomes, resulting in 11,275 full-length copies (Table1). The TS family is highly abundant in tobacco, and we isolated 1501 full-length and truncated copies from sequence entries in public databases (Table 1). 2014, Sequencing of diverse mandarin, pummelo and orange genomes reveals complex history of admixture during citrus domestication, Recent insights into mechanisms of genome size change in Plants, Selfish genetic elements, genetic conflict, and evolutionary innovation. To exclude false candidates, we developed a three-step pipeline to refine the output from SINE-Finder. SINEs are also implicated in certain types of genetic disease in humans and other eukaryotes. The number of occurrences of HSCLs was not consistent in all seven genomes due to family specific amplification of citrus SINEs after speciation. Identification of a short interspersed repetitive element in partially spliced transcripts of the bell pepper (. Structure of LINE -like element (LLE#4_3.0; [22]) on A, Fig 7. official website and that any information you provide is encrypted Pearce S.R., Harrison G., Li D., Heslop-Harrison J., Kumar A., Flavell A.J. While SINEs have been intensively investigated in humans and other animal systems, they are poorly studied in plants, especially in wheat (Triticum aestivum).We used quantitative PCR of various wheat species to determine Makarevitch IRAlus readily form intramolecular duplexes that, like those in trans, can span approximately 85300 imperfect base-pairs and bind the STAU proteins. Retrieved sequences were aligned and checked to filter-out truncated SINE copies (the ends of homologous sequences varied by >5bp). Our preliminary results are based on the results of using SINE-Finder.14 Approximately half of the candidates were either parts of other TEs (such as LTR retrotransposons) or not TEs, which diminishes the efficiency of mining for SINEs. The resulting chimeric element was a founder TS and contained the RNA polymerase III promoters needed for transcription and the 3 end/poly(GTT) necessary for binding of the RTE reverse transcriptase. Additional studies, including those comparing other cell-types, are predicted to further exemplify what appears to be the convergence of post-transcriptional gene regulatory pathways between distinct species via 3UTR SINE insertions. Fig 4. 2019 Jan 2;20(1):140. doi: 10.3390/ijms20010140. Short interspersed nuclear element (SINE) sequences are short repetitive, non-coding sequences ranging in size from 100600 bp. Primate-specific Alu short interspersed nuclear elements (SINEs) and rodent-specific B and ID (B/ID) SINEs are non-autonomous and generally non-coding retrotransposons that have been copied and pasted into the respective genomes so as to constitute what is estimated to be a remarkable 13% and 8% of those genomes. The theoretical expectation was calculated based on the portion (%) of features in the genome, which was determined based on the published gene annotations after fusing overlapping annotations. Approximately 38.7% of citrus SINEs were 15 kb upstream of the next gene, and 34.9% were located more distantly (>5 kb). Remarkably, not only have lineage-specific TEs evolved in different organisms to regulate orthologous genes in the nucleus by forming nuclear enhancers [3032], promoters [33] or splice sites [34], to name a few examples, but they have also evolved to regulate orthologous genes in the cytoplasm via SMD [22]. 2018, Evidence for convergent evolution of SINE-directed Staufen-mediated mRNA decay. Based on the genome sequence information, we calculated that ~6500 SINEs exist in the potato genome. For example, at least 300 Mb (10%) of the Valencia, 319 Mbp), Mangshan wild mandarin (C. reticulata, 334 Mbp), haploid pummelo (Citrus grandis, 346 Mbp), Ichang papeda (Citrus ichangensis, 357 Mbp), and citron (Citrus medica, 405 Mbp) were downloaded via the Citrus sinensis annotation project homepage (,26 Genome sequences and annotation files of Clementine mandarin (C. reticulata cv. Relief from translational repression is not limited to the IRAlus-containing mRNA(s) that bind STAU proteins but extends to all of the translationally active cellular mRNAs. Enter your email address below and we will send you your username, If the address matches an existing account you will receive an email with instructions to retrieve your username, Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, Rochester, NY, USA, Center for RNA Biology, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, USA. We would like to thank Anita K. Snyder for English editing of the manuscript. It is now appreciated that transposable elements (TEs), which constitute minimally 46% of the human genome [1,2] and 37% of the mouse genome [3,4], continue to evolve as a source of regulatory elements that impact gene expression at both transcriptional and post-transcriptional levels [5,6]. SanMiguel P., Tikhonov A., Jin Y.K., Motchoulskaia N., Zakharov D., Melake-Berhan A., Springer P.S., Edwards K.J., Lee M., Avramova Z., Bennetzen J.L. The remaining sequences were treated as representative copies. Furthermore, we conducted a search in 10 angiosperm genome sequences of different taxonomic clades to investigate the occurrence of SINEs in diverse plant genomes (Table 2; see Supplemental Data Set 2 online). Figure3 shows typical examples of SINEs with family- and genome-specific transposition patterns. The variations in the lengths of poly(A) tails were not evaluated to avoid bias derived from overlap between poly(A) tails and TSDs. Identification and structural analysis of SINE elements in the, SINEs and LINEs: Symbionts of eukaryotic genomes with a common tail, SINEs: Short interspersed repeated elements of the eukaryotic genome. S6). These data suggest that there is no stringent correlation between plant genome size and number of SINEs as has also been observed for LTR retrotransposons (Vitte and Bennetzen, 2006). Ribosomal DNA spacer-length polymorphisms in barley: Mendelian inheritance, chromosomal location, and population dynamics. The remaining clusters were assigned into families via the construction of consensus sequences to perform all-against-all BLAST searches using the BLASTn algorithm with default settings, except that qcov_hsp_perc was 80, perc_identity was 80, and evalue was 10. Molecular characterization of a short interspersed repetitive element from tobacco that exhibits sequence homology to specific tRNAs, BoS: A large and diverse family of short interspersed elements (SINEs) in. Probes were cloned from potato DNA using PCR and primers listed in Supplemental Table 5 online. Published by the Royal Society. TIN2 is an architectural protein that facilitates TRF2-mediated trans- and cis-interactions on telomeric DNA. Consensus sequences of SolS-Ia/b and SolS-IIIa/b show identity values of 83 and 77%, respectively. Graphical representation of insertion site preferences and dendrogram showing the divergence and grouping of citrus SINE families. Here, we identified SINE families of many plants and focused on the comparative study of Solanaceae SINEs. 1), referred to as the full-length rate. The SINE copy was absent in all 3 pummelo accessions but was present in the remaining 11 accessions, namely, 4 accessions of mandarin and 7 accessions of sweet orange. official website and that any information you provide is encrypted Intermolecular base-pairing via partially complementary SINEs can create Staufen (STAU)-binding sites that trigger STAU-mediated mRNA decay (SMD). However, a dendrogram was constructed when the remaining nine families that formed separate branches were used. Families of short interspersed elements in the genome of the oomycete plant pathogen, Phytophthora infestans. Zupunski V., Gubensek F., Kordis D. (2001). 5A). All 12 SINE families were included. SINEs werden hufig zu den Deutsch Wikipedia, Short interspersed nuclear element Unter short interspersed nuclear elements (SINE, engl. The inserted SINEs were mainly derived from CitruS-IIa. Should a 3UTR Alu trigger SMD, it does so by the STAU1 and/or STAU2-mediated recruitment of the ATP-dependent RNA helicase upframeshift 1 (UPF1) [24,25]. Additionally, any or all cellular conditions under which a particular SINE may regulate gene expression are not likely to have been appreciated. ), ('polyA', A{6,}|T{6,}), ('TSD_region_2', {,40})). Physical Mapping of SINE Families and SolRTE-I LINEs by FISH. This site needs JavaScript to work properly. In Fig. long interspersed nuclear elements) versteht man bis typischerweise 6 8 kbp lange, hufig wiederholte und relativ frei verteilte DNA Sequenzen im Genom. Upon query of the publicly available RNA-seq dataset ( derived from callus, leaf, flower, and fruit of sweet orange, we found that all 10 genes were expressed at low or moderate levels. Consistent with this idea, IRAlus can base-pair within nuclei, where they can retain their host transcript by recruiting the paraspeckle constituent p54nrb, also called non-POU domain-containing octamer-binding protein (NONO) [35,36]. SINEs werden hufig zu den Deutsch Wikipedia, Long Interspersed Nuclear Element Unter LINEs (Abk. There were no SINE insertions in a locus located in the sixth intron of a polygalacturonase gene in the published reference genome of Clementine mandarin (cv. FOIA SINEs were assigned to a single family when they shared at least 60% similarity; they were used as queries for BLAST searches to retrieve the majority of all family members, resulting in 1489 full-length and 870 5 truncated copies in potato. Mol Gen Genet. Taken together, the similarity observed suggests a tRNA-derived origin of SolS SINEs. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. The families CitruS-II and CitruS-VI were assigned to two subfamilies and grouped on separate branches (Fig. The distribution and abundance of unique HSCLs can function as indictors of chromosomal rearrangements. Two conserved sequence blocks within eukaryotic tRNA genes are major promoter elements. Fig 5. The maize genome contains 1991 SINE copies (Baucom et al., 2009). (b) Cellular stress, including ultraviolet irradiation or heat shock, activate the MKK6p38mitogen and stress-activated protein kinase (MSK)1/2 signalling cascade so that MSK1 and MSK2 phosphorylate nuclear ADAR1p110 (details provided in Sakurai et al. Based on the similarity to the tobacco LINE SolRTE-I, we propose the following evolutionary scenario for the origin of TS (Figure 7). Transposable elements (TEs) are mobile DNA fragments that make up the largest fraction of eukaryotic genomes. Short interspersed nuclear elements (SINEs) are a widespread type of small transposable element (TE). Detection of small RNA molecules homologous to AfuSINE sequences. We conclude that TS evolved from two independent retrotransposon families, namely, SolS-V and SolRTE-I, and hence has a composite structure. Members of many LINE clades are considered as parental elements of SINEs; however, the relation of RTE LINEs to SINEs has not been demonstrated in plants so far. Further experimentation is required to understand what defines a STAU1 or STAU2 binding site, which can be distinct but can also be shared [21], as well as additional features of single 3UTR Alus that trigger SMD because most do not [22]. C.J., Scheibe M., Wongpalee S.P., et al. Roy-Engel Weiner A.M., Deininger P.L., Efstratiadis A. kurze, eingestreute Kernsequenzelemente) versteht man typischerweise 100400 Basenpaare lange, hufig wiederholte und relativ frei verteilte DNA Sequenzen im Genom. LINEs are mobile genetic elements that are amplified via retrotransposition. D., Wang X., Tang Z., et al. Mob DNA. DNA gel blot hybridization to BsmAI-digested genomic DNA of potato (1), tomato (2), pepper (3), and tobacco (4) using probes derived from consensus elements of SolS-IIIa, SolS-IIIb, and SolS-IV. The tool may be started using the command line mode by calling with or without arguments (e.g., calling for help: python -h), the interactive mode (Python's integrated development environment) by calling without arguments or as a module by including it in other scripts. Because STAU proteins exist not only within the cytoplasm but also within nuclei, it follows that if the level of nuclear STAU proteins is sufficient to compete with p54nrb for binding to IRAlus, then p54nrb-mediated nuclear retention can be prevented [36]. Disclaimer, National Library of Medicine 2002, Active Alu element A-tails: size does matter. 3B and Supplementary Fig. Two hundred base pairs of flanking sequences at both ends of each copy in each cluster were extracted and aligned. Learn more This work was supported by the projects Kleine und Mittlere Unternehmen Innovativ 0315425B and the Coordinated Research Program D23028. Shih 2018, A DNA methylation reader complex that enhances gene transcription. TSDs originate from the integration process of SINEs and thereafter retain residual information of the transposition process. Solanaceae SINEs are dispersed along chromosomes and distributed without clustering but with preferred integration into short A-rich motifs. Huang We Alternatively, the partial 3 UTR and the poly(GTT) tail may originate from transcription of a rearranged 5 truncated SolRTE-I. By comparative blot hybridization, we show that SINE families were differently amplified during the phylogeny of Solanaceae species. TE co-options are involved in changing the patterns of gene expression, changing the functions of the proteins they encode, or both.62 We believe that in citrus, SINEs were co-opted into genes by providing new potential regulatory sequences to adjacent genes, altering gene structure, and creating novel genes. They emerged more than 23 million years ago and were species specifically amplified during the radiation of potato, tomato (Solanum lycopersicum), and tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum). 2006, Differential lineage-specific amplification of transposable elements is responsible for genome size variation in Gossypium. Members of the AtSB5 family are only detectable applying modified SINE-Finder parameters (reduction of the TSD score cutoff to eight), while AtSB7, a low-copy family with only three members, is not detectable because it harbors no or only diverged crucial sequence motifs such as poly(A) or TSDs. Wu Output sequences will be continuously saved in a separate file (FASTA format). Seven SINE families and subfamilies (SolS-Ia, Ib, II, IIIa, IIIb, IV, and V) were highly amplified in potato. Table1. The SINE-Finder tool also can be obtained from Tsuchimoto S., Hirao Y., Ohtsubo E., Ohtsubo H. (2008). fumigatus Af293 genome. See this image and copyright information in PMC. The 5 TSD is located 5 to 15 nucleotides upstream of box A (Mochizuki et al., 1992; Deragon et al., 1994). 8600 Rockville Pike Long strands of repetitive DNA can be found at each end of a LTR retrotransposon. SINE candidates were clustered via all-against-all BLAST searches. In 5 kb of flanking regions, there were no sequences annotated as TEs surrounding the retrotransposon gene orange1.1t01062.1, which indicated the gene orange1.1t01062.1 was not likely a part of another TE. The absence of annotated SINEs will hinder the calling of genome structure variants, ultimately compromising all efforts based on next generation sequencing. However, the strong differences in copy numbers also indicate transpositional bursts in some SINE families (e.g., SolS-IIIa in potato and tomato) (Figure 3). Similar patterns of chromosome rearrangements were found between mandarins (Clementine and Satsuma) and sweet orange, which reflected the similar genetic background between Clementine mandarin and Satsuma mandarin. Tikhonov A.P., Lavie L., Tatout C., Bennetzen J.L., Avramova Z., Deragon J.M. Schwarzacher T., Heslop-Harrison P. (2000). To visualize the divergence and grouping of the SINE families, we attempted to construct a dendrogram using the 20 full-length SINE sequences from each family with the highest similarity to the consensus sequence. Grandbastien MA. The comprehensive analyses described here enabled insights into the evolution and age of Solanaceae SINEs. HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help Hawkins 2021 Oct 28;9(11):1560. doi: 10.3390/biomedicines9111560. For both potato and tomato, dispersed signals of the abundant SolS-IIIa are detectable on all 48 and 24 mitotic metaphase chromosomes (Figures 4A and and4C),4C), respectively. Due to the heterogeneity in sequence and length, the criteria for family assignment suggested by Wicker et al. White triangle I indicates PCR products of primer_forward + primer_reverse_outside with a SINE insertion (473 bp). One contribution of 15 to a discussion meeting issue Crossroads between transposons and gene regulation. These syntenic blocks derived from unique HSCLs might provide a robust and precise sequence framework for understanding citrus genome evolution and aid in the assembly of chromosomal pseudomolecules in citrus. Intermolecular base-pairing via partially complementary, Intermolecular base-pairing via partially complementary SINEs can create Staufen (STAU)-binding sites that trigger, 3UTR IR Alu s can regulate mRNA localization, mRNA translation and mRNA decay, MeSH Lane 1: Clementine mandarin (cultivar Caffin); lanes 28: sweet orange (cultivars Valencia, Qingjia, Lunwan, Xuecheng, Hamlin, Newhall, and Jinchen, respectively); lanes 911: mandarins (cultivars Ponkan, Guoqing I, and Bendizao, respectively); lanes 1214 : pummelo (cultivars Chandler, Guanximiyou, and Gaoban, respectively); and lane M: DNA ladder. In potato, there are 2,359 SINE copies comprising 0.15% of the genome, and in sugar beets there are 6,326 SINE copies constituting 0.18% of the genome.14,17. The complete data for the remaining 74 SINE families by genome are shown in Supplementary Fig. TS_Ntcons is the TS consensus (Yoshioka et al., 1993). 4C), but the PCR results showed that the locus was heterozygous for the SINE insertion (cv. Would you like email updates of new search results? This finding suggests that SINE insertions in genic regions might account for only a small fraction of alterations in gene structure. Alternatively, the relatively high number of transcribed SolS SINEs copies found in potato ESTs does not exclude the possible activity, which is in line with the low divergence found in SolS-IIIa, SolS-VI, and SolS-VII. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. In addition, citrus SINEs can create novel genes and be co-opted into genes. Polymerase III promoter boxes A and B are designated. J., Yu C., Krishnaswamy L., Peterson T. HSCLs were unique in each genome except those located inside duplicated genomic regions. J Virol. We detected a polymorphic SINE copy that was mainly derived from CitruS-IIa (CitruS-composite) in 14 citrus accessions (Fig. Because longer 3UTRs also have an increased chance of harbouring regulatory sequences, including SINEs, that can influence cellular mRNA metabolism, one way to define 3UTR SINE function would be to delete the SINE from the cellular gene and replace it with a functionally neutral sequence that restores 3UTR length. A partnership between SINEs and LINE-like elements has been found in invertebrates, fish, reptiles, mammals, and recently in maize (Ohshima and Okada, 2005; Baucom et al., 2009; reviewed in Kramerov and Vassetzky, 2005). 2011, Genome size and transposable element content as determined by high-throughput sequencing in maize and zea luxurians, Dynamics of genome size evolution in birds and mammals. Jiao Comparison of the gene annotations indicated that SINEs might affect transcript structure as they contribute exons as well as splice sites and start and stop codons (Fig. Whisson SC, Avrova AO, Lavrova O, Pritchard L. Fungal Genet Biol. Failure of a 3UTR Alu to trigger SMD in at least one case is because of the failure to recruit STAU proteins [23], which may be because of RNA folding or other RNA-binding proteins sterically precluding STAU binding in a way that promotes SMD. Next-generation sequencing is a rapidly evolving technique and generates vast amounts of genome sequences. In pummelo, all CitruS-I copies were at least 90% similar to the consensus sequence, indicating a recent activity of this family in pummelo (Fig. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the 2021 Oct 22;12(1):23. doi: 10.1186/s13100-021-00251-1. Degenerated primers for coding regions, such as the reverse transcriptase open reading frames, enabled the identification of LTR retrotransposons and LINEs from numerous plant genomes by PCR (Hirochika et al., 1992; Wright et al., 1996; Kubis et al., 1998; Suoniemi et al., 1998). The citrus SINEs were distributed among 12 families, with an average full-length rate of 0.27, and were dispersed throughout the chromosomes, preferentially in AT-rich areas. Target sites for SINE integration in Brassica genomes display nuclear matrix binding activity. In particular, abundant SolS families with widespread appearance in potato, tomato, and tobacco exist as heterogeneous families (Table 1). To experimentally validate the insertion polymorphism, 84 SINE copies from the CitruS-I and II families were randomly selected from the genome sequence of sweet orange to design three primers (one primer shared across two pairs) for each locus, with one set designed to amplify the complete SINE copy and the other for the 5 terminus of the SINE copy (Supplementary Table S1). SINE copies sharing both 5 and 3 flanking sequences were isolated from the alignment of each family to extract syntenic blocks. As the consensus sequence is a suitable approximation of the original source copy, the decreasing identity of a copy to the consensus sequence can serve as an alternative way to estimate its age.15,44,45. Myouga F., Tsuchimoto S., Noma K., Ohtsubo H., Ohtsubo E. (2001). We also demonstrated that some, but not all, AfuSINE sequences are targeted by host RNA silencing mechanisms. Among the 11,275 full-length SINEs, we identified 4,793 with pair-matched TSDs (size threshold: 1040nt) (Supplementary Data S3). Potato (Solanum tuberosum) was used as reference species, where two SINE families, designated TS and AU, have been reported (Yoshioka et al., 1993; Pozueta-Romero et al., 1998; Yasui et al., 2001). (B) The dendrogram is based on the 20 full-length SINE sequences of each citrus SINE family that had the highest similarity to the consensus sequence. Although the SolRTE-I family has also been identified in tobacco, potato, and tomato, TS evolved only in the tobacco genome. Evolution of SINE S1 retroposons in Cruciferae plant species. Some families, for example CitruS-XI in Satsuma mandarin, were predicted to be old, because all SINE copies had similarities of <91% to the consensus sequence (Fig. The SolS-VII family showed the highest similarity to various whole tRNA genes of different plants, particularly in the region of boxes A and B (Figure 5B). For example, the highly abundant CitruS-I and VIb mapped along chromosomes with different patterns in Satsuma mandarin, sweet orange, and pummelo (Supplementary Fig. The distance between both boxes A and B is limited to 24 to 43 nucleotides (Myouga et al., 2001; Baucom et al., 2009), and SINEs are usually terminated downstream by a poly(A) or poly(T) stretch or simple sequence repeat followed by the 3 TSD of variable lengths (reviewed in Kramerov and Vassetzky, 2005; Wicker et al., 2007).

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short interspersed nuclear elements